Wow, I've never been tagged before and so forgive me if I don't really do this correctly. Betty over at Cuisine Quotidienne tagged me for a French meme that she got here (nice music included...).
So, Betty posted the questions in French and answered in English but I will post them with my English translation/interpretation/complete alteration with photo illustration and of course my answer in English and here goes -
1. Le dernier livre que j’ai savouré – the last
book that I savored (that I really took a lot of pleasure in reading):
2 ) Le film qui m’a le plus transportée – The movie that most moved me:
Unfortunately I didn't have any good pasta or sushi photos available but I really would eat this again with pleasure...
3 ) Le plat que
je mets au dessus de tout: the dish amongst all dishes or my favorite dish:
Hmmm, I am so
adventurous it is hard for me to choose just one dish to be faithful to...but
since I have to choose, I suppose I can never go long without an oyster…
These Brittany oysters were particularly delicious.
4 ) Mon plus beau souvenir des 10 dernières années – My most wonderful memory of the last 10 years:
the most delicious soup ever, in Sam Neua,, the best soup I ever had.
5 ) L’instant beauté que je préfère – my favorite moment for me or perhaps my favorite beauty treatment/moment:
This is a hard question to translate so I'll just go with the beauty theme and say that when I see beautiful things I get some inner peace, my stress levels go down, my frown and wrinkles fade, I get a sparkle in my eye and I just feel so wonderfully here along the Mekong...
6 ) L’endroit
où je me sens le plus moi-même – Where do I find my own real self,
where do I feel most at home:
Travelling, although I don't always eat well's just that as soon as I take my seat in the plane, train, or bus I let out a sigh of relief and let myself go.....
7 ) Mes petits moments de bonheur – My small indulgences
chocolate cake?
Anyway, this was really fun and I still do have some Paris Chinatown photos to post so hopefully I will get around to that soon.
And, and all you food lovers the Salon de l'Agriculture is upon us!!! Woohoo, my favorite eating event of the year in Paris!!! and yes, I will use 487 exclamation points to describe it because there is nothing I love more.
It starts on the 23rd of February and runs through the 2nd of March. Here is a Link in English. It is just simply the most fun event of the whole year in Paris and well worth the 12 euros admission price.
Hope to see you there, Happylunching!