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Sites I like - food

  • Monster Munching
    California Asian, need I say more...the epitome of good eating! Here's another one to put on your list of must consult just all looks so delicious and yes, indeed, someway, someday I'm going to go and have lunch in Sunny SoCal.
  • Chow Times
    This is so, so good! and it's Asian too. So in keeping with tradition that means good photos, lots of info and most especially good food! I can't believe I've only just discovered this fab blog.
  • Chubbypanda - The Epicurious Wanderer
    Interesting, informative and thought provoking. Excellent photos (and lots of them too), restaurant reviews and some excellent recipes as well. This is a fairly new blog just started in August and has a decidely Asian (my favorite) flavor.
  • mmm-yoso!!!
    Asian food blogs are the best and Kirk's blog is just outstanding. Based in San Diego this blog has lots of delicious photos and is an entertaining read as well; one of my favorites. Can't wait to get to San Diego. Bravo!
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« Chinese New Year in Paris 2008 - part 1 | Main | My first ever tag - thanks Betty »

10 February 2008


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i like this part of the blog:"I took a whole bunch more photos that are not parade specific so I'm going to make another post on some of the interesting things in Chinatown and yes, it will be about food. Until then

Happy lunching!" is very good

Chinese Traditional Recipes

I love Chinese Dumplings!

Virtual Gifts

hmm..It sounds like great New Year. Do you send gift to you friends on New year? I highly recommend you Nowadays there is great offer on it. Make a sign up and also get a chance to win some prizes.

Paris Hotels

Amzing post! every picture looks great, so unique. paris indeed is a wonderful place. ill be there next week with my wife. she booked us a place via LMT. she's something special. my wife!


Just found your site, am enjoying it a lot. I am from NY, but am working in Paris for a while. I live in another mini-Chinatown in the 3rd, on rue Au Maire. Have you been there? Some good food to be had.

So, how are Belleville and the 13th different? Or, are they the same, food-wise?


The food looks really yummy. My mouth is already watering. humm...


hi CNY parade looks soooo amazing there!...I was away from home (Indonesia) this CNY, stayed in hk & tried to cook a somewat CNY meal, sharing it with you:

Betty C.

First, that top photo is absolutely stunning. You've had wonderful weather for these Chinese New Year photos.

Second, you are tagged for a bilingual meme -- well, I turned it into a bilingual one -- no obligation of course:

Finally, I was just going to tell you that your blog was extremely slow to load this evening but I've found the culprit myself in your comments: the dreaded Foodie Blogroll!

Actually the Foodie Blogroll is a great idea, but the widget really slows down the loading time for the blog. I had it for a while but finally took it down for that reason. Hate to rain on your parade, so to speak.


Thanks for stopping by and I'm really happy to be a part of the foodie blogroll!

JennDZ_The LeftoverQueen

That looks like an awesome parade - those dumplings aren't bad either! ;)

Welcome to The Foodie Blogroll!

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