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Food blogs Around the World

Sites I like - food

  • Monster Munching
    California Asian, need I say more...the epitome of good eating! Here's another one to put on your list of must consult just all looks so delicious and yes, indeed, someway, someday I'm going to go and have lunch in Sunny SoCal.
  • Chow Times
    This is so, so good! and it's Asian too. So in keeping with tradition that means good photos, lots of info and most especially good food! I can't believe I've only just discovered this fab blog.
  • Chubbypanda - The Epicurious Wanderer
    Interesting, informative and thought provoking. Excellent photos (and lots of them too), restaurant reviews and some excellent recipes as well. This is a fairly new blog just started in August and has a decidely Asian (my favorite) flavor.
  • mmm-yoso!!!
    Asian food blogs are the best and Kirk's blog is just outstanding. Based in San Diego this blog has lots of delicious photos and is an entertaining read as well; one of my favorites. Can't wait to get to San Diego. Bravo!
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05 January 2008



Stumbling across your blog, I just wanted to say that it was quite inspiring into tasting new kinds of food in Paris ^^
I learnt that you can ask the "Soupe Phnom Penh" served dry ("une soupe Phnom Penh sec"), it will come with its broth (bouillon ?) separately (often they know what it means, in the 13th arrondissement at least), it is completely a new experience ^^ (I personnaly prefer it that way with some pepper and citrus, its broth with some struddel (not sure with the word) melting in it is absolutely delicious )


You can eat the radish cake with hoisin sauce and chili sauce :). It is a Chinese dimsum dish.

I like your blog alot. I will be in Paris soon to try out the Vietnamese cuisine


Wow, Asian cuisine in France looks really different to the stuff you find in Australia. That looks so yummy - and so interesting!! I love the lotus flower thingo - that's amazing! Thanks for all the yummy pics and descriptions! :-)


Hi Emily - I always enjoy your meals in various ethnic eateries. It's also good to have you back and posting regularly again!


Un régal, vive le Trek urbain

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