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Member since 03/2006

Food blogs Around the World

Sites I like - food

  • Monster Munching
    California Asian, need I say more...the epitome of good eating! Here's another one to put on your list of must consult just all looks so delicious and yes, indeed, someway, someday I'm going to go and have lunch in Sunny SoCal.
  • Chow Times
    This is so, so good! and it's Asian too. So in keeping with tradition that means good photos, lots of info and most especially good food! I can't believe I've only just discovered this fab blog.
  • Chubbypanda - The Epicurious Wanderer
    Interesting, informative and thought provoking. Excellent photos (and lots of them too), restaurant reviews and some excellent recipes as well. This is a fairly new blog just started in August and has a decidely Asian (my favorite) flavor.
  • mmm-yoso!!!
    Asian food blogs are the best and Kirk's blog is just outstanding. Based in San Diego this blog has lots of delicious photos and is an entertaining read as well; one of my favorites. Can't wait to get to San Diego. Bravo!
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« Quiche and cake for lunch today | Main | Lunch in Collioure: anchovies, ice cream, and tapas »

20 July 2007



Didn't know you were back! Here's the link to my new blog - yes, it's a food blog!!! Now I just have to learn how to take yummy photos like you!


Wow! Great Photos! The artichoke field is an amazing amazing site. I've never seen one either. Thanks for sharing! You've made me reminisce about my old travel days... I need to journey out again.

Messy Jessy

Wow, I never thought you would post again! Welcome Back! Artichokes are one of my favorites...I've never seen a field full of them before. Very interesting.


Hi Emily - Welcome back, I've missed you! Those oyster look wonderful.....

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