I was pretty disappointed with my last couscous lunch and so I decided to go to Les Doigts de Fée (fairy fingers to be exact but also a metaphor for nimble fingers used to describe someone who is really good at handicrafts or gives good massages or whatever).
Anyway, Les Doigts de Fée is located 78, rue Miromesnil in the 8th and they have a website (only in French unfortunately) where you should make sure to check out the video with the really cool and exotic Arabic music.
Today's lunch cost 11,90 euros and included the couscous with one piece of chicken, one merguez (a North African sausage), broth with vegetables, a dessert, a beverage, and some excellent mint tea. Compare this with the 15,50 I spent for just a bowl of couscous and nothing else in the trendy overpriced place with the square plates...hmmm.
Here is a close up of the semoule (the couscous grains)...nice and light and fluffy.
And I'm also going to give Les Doigts de Fée my vote for the most luxurious plastic flatware in Paris. Nice and sturdy with an absorbant napkin and attractive packaging. I think little things like this count too in the ultimate lunch experience.
The dessert: a delightful little cake made with almond paste and orange essence.
The final photo: the couscous with the vegetables and the meat served in a lovely foil tin (yeah I could've gone to the kitchen and gotten a plate but what's the fun of that). This was just good authentic couscous.
If you ever want to try making couscous or any other North African dishes I would like to recommend this book (link to Amazon where it got 5 stars) Couscous and Other Good Food from Morocco by Paula Wolfert (link to author site with some excellent recipes for free). I've had this book for years and everything in it works out perfect. The chicken and olive tajine will make you cry it is so good and if I can do it...
So, that's it for today, it's Friday evening and here in France we have a three day weekend because the Monday after Easter is a holiday. Tomorrow I've got a special fun treat for you:
Confiture de fraises des bois avec beurre de cacahuete sur fines tranches de pain de mie...sounds yummy...just wait til you see it,
til then happy lunching!
That almond cake looks delicious.
Posted by: Dana | 14 April 2006 at 21:24
I'm with you, this looks much tastier than the first! As for the foil tins...c'est juste un petit détail qui cloche!
Posted by: bcinfrance | 14 April 2006 at 20:09