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  • Monster Munching
    California Asian, need I say more...the epitome of good eating! Here's another one to put on your list of must consult just all looks so delicious and yes, indeed, someway, someday I'm going to go and have lunch in Sunny SoCal.
  • Chow Times
    This is so, so good! and it's Asian too. So in keeping with tradition that means good photos, lots of info and most especially good food! I can't believe I've only just discovered this fab blog.
  • Chubbypanda - The Epicurious Wanderer
    Interesting, informative and thought provoking. Excellent photos (and lots of them too), restaurant reviews and some excellent recipes as well. This is a fairly new blog just started in August and has a decidely Asian (my favorite) flavor.
  • mmm-yoso!!!
    Asian food blogs are the best and Kirk's blog is just outstanding. Based in San Diego this blog has lots of delicious photos and is an entertaining read as well; one of my favorites. Can't wait to get to San Diego. Bravo!

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« Pho dac biet for lunch | Main | Antipasti salad for lunch »

24 April 2006



This looks pretty good to me! But you're right,it doesn't look like a fajita -- it just isn't the right color!
The chocolate cake looks just like my Easter chocolate cake! Happy lunching over the next few days...


Yes Kirk, they do indeed call this a fajita...and so your oh so very interesting remark on the Chinese food diaspora becomes Mexican as well...and that is why I suggest it to anyone that who is looking for a cool thesis subject (and certainly a best seller afterwards)

There are so many people eating, travelling, and of course enjoying, it is just that we have not yet found our scholar...


Hi Emily - Fajita's??? The only fajitas I know is a Tex-Mex (Texas-Mexican) made with slices of marinated chicken or beef, usually served sauteed(or sizzling) with onions and bell peppers. This is so interesting.....


Hi dink and dana,

Thanks for stopping by, and in answer to the question, I'm not was actually really yellow (from whatever they use to make tikka I imagine). Perhaps it is just a green reflection from the lettuce.


A sandwich press can make sure perfect grill marks?


I haven't stopped by for a couple days--wow, way to increase my bumpkin quotient. I lead a sheltered life. I've never had Indian food (not even curry) or sushi, or pho.

It's fun to learn about it all here through you,though.

Question: what's in the chicken wrap/fajita that's making it green?


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